You ask my system is only a few years old…why do I need a check up? A/C’s have moving parts and electrical parts. Some now have electronic parts. These need to be checked regularly.
A good example of this is your car. Which also has electrical, electronic and moving parts. How often do you have your car serviced i.e. oil change, rotate tires etc… to keep your car running in good condition?
Maintenance is just that. Keeping your A/C running without problems. You don’t want it to breakdown in the Summer in 90-100 degree temps.
And one more thing … KEEPS YOR WARRANTY IN FORCE! Check out the fine print on your warranty papers. Should something breakdown and you need to get it fixed and you have a warranty but no record of maintenance. Just like a car that hasn’t been serviced … the manufacture can and will VOID THE WARRANTY.
Don’t wait folks call us ASAP to get that Seasonal Check up 281-579-8951