Well its been a long time since we have sent out a blog. With the economy, Supply Chain issues, Covid, etc… we have been overwhelmed, but we are still here!
The supply chain has been a real test for us. A lot of companies that are the”BIG BOYS” went and bought a lot of the available parts and supplies. Now they have a way to squeeze the consumer. And they are charging premium price for parts and repairs.
But never fear!!!! we can still get most of what we need and will go to the ends of the Earth to get what you need.
Inflation has drove prices up. After many years in the business we had to succumb and our prices had to go up to cover cost. As did everyones! But, we still do offer the Free Second Opinion and Free Service with Repair.
Call us when you need us!!!! 281-579-8951 or reply to ddms@sbcglobal.net